

Monday, May 11, 2015

Photoshop elements

O boy, have I been slack, it has been 12 months since my last post.
Two or three carvings started but still on the bench, one commission piece finished which I was very pleased with.
The piece was in relief of tree leaves, flowers and birds in a chinese flavour.It is a replacement panel in a antic chinese bed. Red Cedar  55 cm x 32 cm. Very hard to take a detailed photo still in the raw state. It is off now to have the finished colours applied. Will  manage a nice photo when finished.

My slow carving has been due to a little ill health, holidays and arthritis creeping into the fingers.

I have spent some time playing with Photoshop elements and enjoying it very much. Takes some time to wrap my head around the system.
Here are two different effects applied to the same photo, A shot of the local jetty here where I live.
One is coloured sketch and the other a 3D jigsaw effect.


Regards Terry